Welcome to SkillRocket Leadership Consulting!



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We help academic institutions and businesses through webinars and consultations.

What We Offer >>

SkillRocket Consulting offers leadership consultations and training for both academic institutions and businesses, at your location.   These consultations can increase employee involvment and higher education student enrollment, retention and improved team leadership for all concerned. 

Who We Are >>

SkillRocket Consulting was founded by Dr. Mack, a Psychologist in Organizational and Educational Leadership.  Dr. Mack and his team specialize in student behavior modification and organizational leadership training.  

Why We’re Different >>

The SkillRocket Consulting team has almost 22 years of experience in both higher education and leadership.  Their propriety process uses positive psychology, motivational interviewing and the latest leadership theories to yield amazing results both at businesses and higher education institutions.

Dr. Mack, President and CEO of SkillRocket Consulting, explains why strong enrollment and high student retention is critical in today’s higher education landscape. 

To further understand the financial benefit to your institution of retaining more students, click on the Student ROI Calculator below.


Take flight towards your goals by reaching new heights.