The consulting and/or training services are specifically tailored to your business needs. All leadership and higher education training services incorporate the M.A.C.K. Method.
What is the M.A.C.K. Program?
M. Motivation: Every employee or student is motivated intrinsically or extrinsically. SkillRocket Consulting will show you how to use motivational interviewing techniques to address the motivation of your leadership, your employees and/or your students. If want to motivate more people, or you are motivated to be a better leader reach out to SkillRocket Consulting today!
A. Achievement: Both employees and students like recognition. People will work harder for recognition than pay. What specific skills set and change(s) in your organization are you planning to achieve? If you want to accomplish a significant positive shift in your own or your employee’s leadership or higher education skill set, connect with SkillRocket Consulting today!
C. Coaching: Do you want to be a charismatic leader? Do your employees, leaders, or students understand the importance of life coaching, or executive coaching and how this positively affects charismatic leadership? SkillRocket offers leadership coaching, training, and face to face process consultations. Connect with SkillRocket Consulting Today!
K. Knowledge: Connect with others by imparting knowledge as a leader to your employees or students creates greater rapport and value for those around you. When building rapport with someone, the only way for them to want to attend again, is if there is another chance to learn something new and exciting. Connect with us today to cultivate Motivation, Achievement, Coaching and Knowledge (M.A.C.K.) method today!