I completed my preliminary oral defense recently, and I would not be this far along in my dissertation if it was not for Dr. Mack. My research and writing skills have improved significantly.
Forensic Psychology, Ph.D.

I utilized Dr. Mack years ago for help with some math courses I was struggling with and I now have my degree in Human Resources. I would not have my degree in Human Resources without Dr. Mack's help. His patience teaching math skills to me was phenomenal.
Human Resources Professional
Dr. Mack inspired me to go back to school and get my bachelor’s degree when I thought I was way too old for school. My friends all went to college back when they had to use electric typewriters and there was no internet or personal computers. Out of 4 children, I was the first in our family to graduate with a bachelor’s degree when I was 52. My father came to my graduation, as did Dr. Mack. He was my Enrollment Advisor at the time, back in 2008, at an online college. We stayed in touch and once again he inspired me to get my Master of Fine Arts Degree right after my bachelor’s. And I got that one too at age 55! Dr. Mack explained to me that he has a deep-rooted appreciation for education and knows he can change lives for the better by inspiring others to complete their educational goals. He explained to me the difference between dreams and goals. Dr. Mack really values leadership, education, students, learning technologies, student success and staying in touch with his students. I was lucky enough to get a phone call from Dr. Mack back in 2008. Thank you for all your encouragement and leadership training Dr. Mack!
Fine Arts Professor
I have completed my preliminary oral defense and I am working on my dissertation study, and I will be completing my final oral defense soon. I will be graduating with my doctorate very soon because of Dr. Mack's help! Additionally, before he was on my committee, Dr. Mack helped me to increase my skill set on advanced doctoral statistics so I could pass my very difficult statistics class, and my grade took off in a positive direction!
Bruce W.
Business Administrator, Ph.D.
While pursuing my Master of Arts in Education degree, Dr. Mack was my mentor and counselor. I was in the last class before my final class to graduate. I had a particularly difficult time with this statistics class. I called Dr. Mack and he responded within an hour and counseled me about finishing the class. I was so frustrated, I was determined to drop out and not finish. Dr. Mack listened to my complaining for at least 30 minutes. I remember then Dr. Mack told me “go ahead and drop out, because that is always a great idea, Mary.” This made me realize I had to complete my degree because to give up at the last minute was not a rational choice. I would not have finished my degree had it not been for Dr. Mack and his counseling. That degree propelled me to a challenging position that I love, teaching the third grade.
Third Grade Teacher